12 examples for ssh

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  # ssh port forwarding
# route all local requests to 8080 to remote port 80
ssh -L 8080:localhost:80 user@remoteserver
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  # Create ssh tunnel with SOCKS interface on localhost:1234
ssh -D 1234 user@remotemachine
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  # see your path on a remote machine from a non-login shell
ssh you@remotemachine echo \$PATH
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  # SSH-VPN create a tun interface with ssh (use as root on both sides) add ip's to both sides and change your default route
ssh root@server -vNTw any:any
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  #Open a tunnel from's port 80 to your local port 2001 
ssh -N -L2001:localhost:80
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  # To enable the ability to forward X11 windows to a machine logged in using SSH. This is great if you would like to run a graphical program from a remote computer on your local machine logged in with SSH.
ssh -X user@remote-server
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  # Just connect to a remote server and get a shell
# -p is needed, if remote SSH is not listining on
# standard port (22)

ssh -p 1234 user@remoteserver.com
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  # You can connect to the remote screen or tmux directly

ssh user@host -t 'tmux a -t session_name||tmux new -s session_name'
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  # ssh tunneling traffic to port 1080
ssh -C2ND 1080 user@host
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  # Kill stalled SSH session without closing any terminal client window or close the connection on virtual terminal itself. 
# Hit the keys in this order:  
# Enter, tilde, dot
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  ssh -C user@server.com -C cat file > file

# your_comment_here
Speed up receiving data by compressing data in transit
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  # open a previously created tomb with this:
$ sudo tomb open secret.tomb -k secret.tomb.key

# close all tombs with this:
$ tomb close

# to create a tomb, do this:
# 1. create a file of 100MB called secret.tomb
$ sudo tomb dig -s 100 secret.tomb
# 2. create a key-file called secret.tomb.key
$ sudo tomb forge secret.tomb.key
# 3. lock the tomb with the key-file
$ sudo tomb lock secret.tomb -k secret.tomb.key