3 examples for sox

{{ score }}
  # Play an audio file with sox
play file.3

# Convert Mono audio file to Stereo
sox mono.wav -c 2 stereo.wav

# Play two audio files simultaneously
sox -m 1.wav 2.wav

# Record audio in commandline with standard input on OS X, Ctrl-C to stop
rec -r 8000 -c 1 recording.wav
{{ score }}
  # Transpose input.mp3  1 tone lower and saves it as output.mp3
sox input.mp3 output.mp3 pitch -200

#Transpose input.mp3  1/2 tone higher and saves it as output.mp3
sox input.mp3 output.mp3 pitch 100
{{ score }}
  # speed up a song
sox slow.mp3 fast.mp3 tempo 1.6

#speed up a song and prevent clipping by lowering the volume
sox slow.mp3 fast.mp3 vol 0.25 tempo 1.6