5 examples for sort

{{ score }}
  # Sort a file alphabetically:
sort filename

# Sort your command history alphabetically, skipping the command number:
history | sort -k 2
# Lines look like this:
#     23 anothercommand
#     22 somecommand
#     24 stillanothercommand

# Sort files by number of matches in grep results:
grep -c searchterm * | sort -t: -n -k 2
# Lines look like this:
#     filename:2
#     anotherfile:3

# Sort files by human readable size in a directory:
du -h --max-depth=1 | sort -h
# Lines look like this:
#     4.0K    ./SomeDirectory
#     12K     ./AnotherDirectory
#     2.4M    ./SomeFile
#     1.5G    ./LargeFile
{{ score }}
  # Sort the contents of all .csv files in a directory
sort /path/to/directory/*.csv
{{ score }}
  # duplicate lines line count statistics
sort filename | uniq -cd |sort -nr
{{ score }}
  # Sort in parallel, specifying the number of concurrent operations.
sort --parallel=
{{ score }}
  # Ordenas la lista de caracteres donde
# t: Limitador -k Numero del campo -r ordenacion inversa
sort -t: -n -k3 -r password.txt