6 examples for rename

{{ score }}
  # strip extension from all files matching *.bak
rename -x *.bak

# strip the .bak extension from all files (by regex)
rename 's/\.bak\z//' *
{{ score }}
  # Change "ddmm" format to "dd_mm" using variable substitution
rename 's/(\d{2})(\d{2}).jpeg/$1_$2.jpeg/' *
{{ score }}
  # rename beginning of files (with .txt extension, in this example)
rename 'new_file' 'old_file' *.txt
{{ score }}
  # Rename all spaces in a file to '_'(underscores) making them more Unix-y...
# think of s/\s as s/(substitute) \s(spaces) /(with) '_'(underscores) /globally(/g),
# while * *(selects all files with spaces in them).

rename -v -n 's/\s/_/g' * *

# The -v is for verbosity and printing the results of the operation to the screen,
# and -n or -nono is an optional option for testing a rename, before actually renaming.
# If your satisfied you can remove the -n and make the changes.
{{ score }}
  # use the find command to select only directories(-type d), in the current directory only(-maxdepth 1);
# and substitute all spaces for underscores globally(/g).

find ./ -type d -maxdepth 1 | rename -v 's/\s/_/g'
{{ score }}
  # Renombrar todos los archivos con extension .conf a .backup
rename conf backup *.conf