6 examples for pdftk

{{ score }}
  # Split Select Pages from Multiple PDFs into a New Document
pdftk A=one.pdf B=two.pdf cat A1-7 B1-5 A8 output combined.pdf
{{ score }}
  # Merge Two or More PDFs into a New Document
pdftk 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf cat output 123.pdf

# or (Using Handles):
pdftk A=1.pdf B=2.pdf cat A B output 12.pdf

# or (Using Wildcards):
pdftk *.pdf cat output combined.pdf
{{ score }}
  # Extracts page 10 from 'bigdocument.pdf' into separate (one-page) file 'pageten.pdf'
pdftk bigdocument.pdf cat 10 output pageten.pdf
{{ score }}
  # split a large pdf into single pages
pdftk foo.pdf burst

# turn pages 1 to east and page 3 to south (90 and 180 degrees)
pdftk foo.pdf cat 1east 3south output bar.pdf

# same as above, but with shorthands
pdftk foo.pdf cat 1E 3S output bar.pdf

# turn page 1 by -90, page 2 by +90 and page 3 by +180 degrees
pdftk foo.pdf cat 1left 2right 3down output bar.pdf
{{ score }}
  # delete page 3 out of a 4-page document
pdftk A=bigdocument.pdf cat A1-2 A4 output bigdocument-without-page-3.pdf
{{ score }}
  # split a large pdf into single pages
pdftk foo.pdf burst

# turn pages 1 to east and page 3 to south (90 and 180 degrees)
pdftk foo.pdf cat 1east 3south end output bar.pdf

# same as above, but with shorthands
pdftk foo.pdf cat 1E 3S end output bar.pdf

# turn page 1 by -90, page 2 by +90 and page 3 by +180 degrees
pdftk foo.pdf cat 1left 2right 3down end output bar.pdf