8 examples for mplayer

{{ score }}
  # Plays any media file from the command line 
mplayer my_video.mkv
{{ score }}
  # Play media from compressed rar files 
unrar p -inul file.rar | mplayer -
{{ score }}
  # To view a movie with the text based subtitles, use this command to start mplayer
mplayer movie.avi -sub subtitle.txt
{{ score }}
  # infinitely play a list of tracks
mplayer -loop 0 a.mp3 b.mp3 c.mp3
{{ score }}
  # Play a video as ascii art in your terminal.
CACA_DRIVER=ncurses mplayer -vf framestep=2 -ao pulse -vo caca -quiet video.mp4 2>/dev/null
{{ score }}
  # Plays all mp3 files in a directory in a repeating loop. Change 0 to another integer to set number of loops.
mplayer -loop 0 *.mp3
{{ score }}
  # Play an internet radio station where stream is a playlist
mplayer -playlist "http://96.aac.pls.kusc.live"
{{ score }}
  # Play all  ".mp4" audio only in your current directory - good if you are using a tty linux console
mplayer -novideo *