{{ score }}
  # View options safecopy provides:
safecopy --help

# Resurrect a file from a mounted but damaged media, that cp failed on:
safecopy /path/to/problemfile ~/recovered-file

# Create a filesystem image of a damaged disk/cdrom
safecopy /dev/device ~/diskimage.img

# Interrupt and later resume a data rescue operation:
safecopy /dev/source ~/destination
 (safecopy aborts)
safecopy /dev/source ~/destination -I /dev/null

# Find the corrupted files on a partially successful rescued filesystem:
safecopy /dev/filesystem image -M CoRrUpTeD
fsck image
mount -o loop image /mnt/mountpoint
grep -R /mnt/mountpoint "CoRrUpTeD"

# Create an image of a device that starts at X and is Y in size:
safecopy /dev/filesystem -b -s  -l