{{ score }}
  #| Command  | Description                                                             |
#| add      | Adds a new todo item to your list.                                      |
#|            Example: Relative dates for the due and start tags are automatically    |
#|            converted to absolute dates.                                            |
topydo add "(B) Feed the giraffes t:tomorrow due:5d"
#| append   | Appends a text to the given todo item.                                  |
#|            Example: Set a due date to item                                         |
topydo append 1 due:tomorrow
#| archive  | Trigger a manual archiving action.                                      |
topydo archive
#| columns  | Starts topydo in column mode.                                           |
#|                                                                                    |
topydo columns
#| del      | Deletes the todo item(s) with the given number(s) from the list.        |
#|            Example: Force deletion (e.g. no user interaction) of item 1            |
topydo del -f 1
#| dep      | Handles dependencies between todo items.                                |
#|            Add a dependency -- see https://www.topydo.org/static.html#Dependencies |
topydo dep add 1 to 2
#| depri    | Removes the priority of the given todo item(s).                         |
topydo depri 1
#| do       | Marks one or more todo items as complete.                               |
#             Example: mark an item complete                                          |
topy do 2
#|            Example: Complete all todo items that are due today:                    |
topydo do -e due:today
#| edit     | The edit subcommand launches a text editor to edit todo items.          |
topydo edit
#| help     | Prints help texts for each subcommand.                                  |
topydo help
#| ls       | Lists all (relevant) todo items.                                        |
#|            Example: Show only those todo items that are due today                  |
topydo ls due:=today
#|            Example: Show all overdue todo items                                    |
topydo ls 'due: