{{ score }}
  # Bro entry for topydo
# See https://www.topydo.org/ for more examples
# Also see https://github.com/bram85/topydo
# topydo add
$ topydo add "(C) My first item"
$ topydo add "(B) My second item is more important"

# List items with the ls subcommand
$ topydo ls
|  2| (B) 2016-06-27 My second item is more important
|  1| (C) 2016-06-27 My first item

# Complete an item with the do subcommand
$ topydo do 2
Completed: x 2016-06-27 2016-06-27 My second item is more important

# Change the priority of todo item 1 to A
topydo pri 1 A
topydo tag 1 due 2016-12-25