11 examples for convert

{{ score }}
  # convert all jepeg's in a directory into a PDF 
convert *.jpg output.pdf
{{ score }}
  # Clean up a whiteboard image.
# (via lelandbatey on www.reddit.com/r/commandline)

convert inputfile -resize %50 -morphology Convolve DoG:15,100,0 -negate -normalize -blur 0x1 -channel RBG -level 60%,91%,0.1 outputfile
{{ score }}
  # convert all PNGs in the current directory to a maximum dimension of 256x256 and name the copy accordingly
for f in *.png; do convert -resize 256x256 "$f" "${f%.png}_256x256.png"; done
{{ score }}
  # Adds a large, yellow date/time stamp to the South-East corner of picture original.jpg
convert original.jpg -gravity SouthEast -font Arial -pointsize 72 -fill yellow -annotate +100+100 "%[exif:DateTimeOriginal]" stamped.jpg
{{ score }}
  # Quickly make an animated gif out ouf many image files:
convert *.png animation.gif
{{ score }}

Minfify image

# your_comment_here
convert -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 85% original_image.ext minified_image.ext
{{ score }}
  # Crop image.png to a size of 900x400 from x offset 50 and y offset 310 where offset starts from the top left corner.
convert image.png -crop 900x400+50+310 image_cropped.png
{{ score }}
  # extract the third part of the right of a tri fold leaflet you can change the 1170 to move the X and the 0 after the + to the y 
convert -verbose -density 150 trifold.pdf -quality 100  -sharpen 0x1.0 -crop +1170+0  trifoldcover.png
{{ score }}
  # extract all cover page from a tri fold leaflet with multiples pdf
for f in *.pdf; do convert -verbose -density 150 "$f" -quality 100  -sharpen 0x1.0 -crop +1170+0 "$f.png" ; done
{{ score }}
  # Get the filetype of any file 
file the_godfather.avi
{{ score }}
  # convert all jepes in the directory into a PDF
convert *.jpg output.pdf