3 examples for cgminer

{{ score }}
  # starts cgminer and begins mining with a worker established with Slush's bitcoin mining pool
# replacements 	[username] your pool account username
# 		 		[workname] the name of the worker you created on the pool mining site
# 		 		[password] the password of the worker you created on the pool mining site
# tip a bro some bitcoin 1LL1Q1cSSTDPZxWXp2XcDWfZkHGb7rps6n
cgminer --url stratum+tcp://stratum.bitcoin.cz:3333 --user [username].[workername] --pass [password]
{{ score }}
  # displays the available USB mining devices
# tip a bro some bitcoin 1LL1Q1cSSTDPZxWXp2XcDWfZkHGb7rps6n
cgminer --ndevs
{{ score }}
  # starts cgminer and begins mining with a worker established with the provided pool
# replacements 	[pool] pool uri
#				[port] port number provided by pool
#				[username] your pool account username
# 		 		[workname] the name of the worker you created on the pool mining site
# 		 		[password] the password of the worker you created on the pool mining site
# tip a bro some bitcoin 1LL1Q1cSSTDPZxWXp2XcDWfZkHGb7rps6n
cgminer -o http://[pool]:[port] -u [username] -p [password]